hope, encouragement, results


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between counseling + coaching?

Counseling deals with the past and helps you process hurts as you move toward healing. Coaching is present and future focused. When you are ready to move from where you are to where you want to be, you are ready for coaching.

How many sessions will
I need?

The number of sessions is determined by the goals you set. I will work with you to create action steps for your specific goals at each appointment. The timeline is up to you. We will work within your circumstances and at your pace.

Does insurance cover coaching?

Counselors or therapists will give a diagnosis and provide a procedure code for insurance companies.  A Life Coach does not diagnose. Some HSA or FSA medical expense accounts do allow for payment for life coaching. You should check with each company to confirm this benefit.

Are video and / or phone coaching sessions available?

One of the benefits of coaching (not being a medical service per se) is that we can meet at a restaurant, your favorite coffeehouse, or anywhere that is best for you. While we still take extra efforts to maintain your privacy, this flexibility is helpful to many as they plan their busy schedules.

How long are the coaching
sessions and what is the
fee for coaching?

Each session is approximately 50-55 minutes. The fee is $120/session.

What if I have more questions before I want to schedule?

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to answer your specific questions.  

How do I schedule a session?

Call or text 919.673.4304 or email: angel@angelkingcoaching.com